Community Agents Programme – Call for Applications


Are you a high-school student from Bucharest who wants change in the local community? You agree that change can only happen if each of us gets involved and you want to learn more about how you can make that change a reality? 6 European Voluntary Service (EVS) young volunteers from Germany, France and Italy are here to get on this journey with you, so you can write together a new story of change! Find out more and apply below!




Key Info

  • Programme type

    Youth workshops, followed by a volunteering component

  • Facilitators

    Each small group will be coordinated by 1 EVS volunteer (6 in total)

  • Location

    Bucharest (in various locations)

  • Period

    November 2017 – March 2018 (regular weekly activities in small groups + 50h of volunteering for each participant)

  • Number of participants

    6 small groups of 5 young people will be formed (30 high-school students in total)

  • Who is it for?

    High-school students grades 9-11 from Bucharest (12th grade is accepted only if a strong time commitment exists)




Starting Principles

  • Empowerment

    The responsibility for learning rests upon each of us. We learn together through experience, we learn by doing, we learn in a non-formal way.

  • Flexibility

    We adapt together as a group to the existing needs and we make changes when necessary. We choose what we want to learn, but also how to learn and at what rhytm. We are here only if and because we want to, not because somebody “forces” us to.

  • Inclusion

    Every group member is welcome without discrimination, no matter the situation. Together we create a safe space where everyone can express freely and without the fear of being judged. Inside the group we are all equal.

  • Learning

    Both the facilitators and the participants have a common aim, of learning together, one from another. Non-formally, but also at a high level of quality.


How will it work?

  • Weekly mini-workshops

    If selected, you will be assigned to one small group of 5 young people, coordinated by 1 EVS volunteer. Each group will meet weekly on the same day and hour and organise together youth work activities using non-formal education centred around the theme of civic engagement, critical thinking and interculturality. The group will decide together how their own learning journey will look like. Overall, the group activities will help participants better understand why and how they should get more involved in the community, building the foundation for the group project.

  • Group project

    Each group will organise together a small community project, with the simple mission of bringing a positive change in Bucharest (political, religious and illegal activities will however not be possible). The group will decide together what to do, how to do it and who does what, while ensuring an equal participation of all group members.




Conditions for applying

  • You are between 15 and 19 years old;
  • You live in Bucharest or can easily reach Bucharest at your own expense;
  • You have your parent’s (or tutor) approval for participating in the programme;
  • You can commit 3 hours every week during school weeks for participating to the regular mini-workshops and 50 hours (in total, not weekly) for the group project. Activities will not happen during the holidays or during the term exams. The programme will end in March 2018.
  • You are very motivated to learn more about civic engagement, volunteering, making a change in the local community;
  • You speak English at a conversational level (all meetings will take place in English);


Note: Participation to the programme is free. However, no participation costs can be covered (transportation, accommodation, meals).



Why should you apply?


  • You will learn more about civic engagement, you will develop your critical thinking skills and you will also have the opportunity to create your own group project for making a small change in the community (and learning how to do it, as well);

  • You have a safe space where you can express yourself without fearing discrimination;

  • You will work together with our European Voluntary Service volunteers from Germany, France and Italy; Also, you will meet other young people from various backgrounds who you will work with in the next months;

  • You have the perspective of being considered for other intercultural/international AYI projects, including mobilities abroad through the Erasmus+ Programme;

Note: Participants who will participate fully in the programme will be issued a Volunteering Certificate. Volunteering contracts will be signed with all participants.


Apply here


  • Deadline

    You can apply by using the online form until November 12th



Application Form


This activity takes place under the Building Our Story project, co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme. Full responsibility for the content of this webpage lies with the author.